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Old June 22nd, 2012, 07:46 AM

jimbojones1971 jimbojones1971 is offline
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Default Helheim sub needed for PowerBeyondComprehension

We need a replacement for Helheim in the game Power Beyond Comprehension. The game is set on the world of warhammer map, and is currently on turn 44. The game is still wide open. Three of the 14 starting nations have been eliminated, one has just gone AI after losing his capital, and another is on life support. The other 9 nations are all still in the game, and it should have some interesting life left in it yet.

Nation summary for Helheim is as follows:
* Second biggest nation in the game.
* Most forts in the game.
* Upper middle income.
* Second biggest gem income in the game.
* Third highest research (but only just behind the first two)
* Highest dominion

If you can help us as a sub, it would be most appreciated!
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