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Old June 25th, 2012, 01:51 PM
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Default Re: YARG3, non newb MA+ENP2 RAND game. 7/18 players remain.

Congrats for the victory Executor!

Yes. I was Van. I wonder what were the telltale signs that gave me up?

I knew you (Ulm) would win from very early on. I wanted to enter an early war against you but Eriu jumped me and no way I'd let someone attack me and get away w/ it. So I say screw the game I'm going to make Eriu pay for his stupid move and if Ulm wins (more easily than otherwise) then so be it.

You are absolutely right about Ulm and I think llama is also in agreement so we will see a fix in next CBM.

I've seen most nations fight very well and to the end. It was a high end game in terms of players skills and really enjoyed it (though I knew the end result from early on).

Van is a solid nation now which is a good thing.

Now I'm looking fwd to YARG4.
Hope to see as many of you there. You too Executor - I just pray to fate that you don't get an OP nation
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