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Old June 25th, 2012, 03:54 PM

Valerius Valerius is offline
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Default Re: YARG3, non newb MA+ENP2 RAND game. Executor's Ulm winner on turn 76

Originally Posted by Executor View Post
Valerius, apart from the Forge, which I think is the biggest problem, I also would blessing of steel too powerful. A handful of flail infantry had no problem dealing with indea 9 from the start under blessings of steel. Having a 24 protection troop is too much from start I think.
That small amount of diversity with smiths (20% A/S/F) is huge too. Not that I'd suggest removing it, it just opens up a load of new options. New forging possibilities and communions mostly (either with s smiths or trough matrixes).
In any case I'd say Ulm is one of the best MA nation, if not all era nations.
Originally Posted by Calahan View Post
Yeah, the Blessing of Iron spell is another misjudged addition IMO. Any new spell that adds battlefield wide buffs has to be added with /extreme/ caution due to the huge force multiplying effect it can instantly have. But to add such spells from turn 1 is just a balance breakingly bad idea IMO. At least make these spell require some fecking reaserch if they are staying (and I hope they're not personally, as adding national battlefield wide buff spells is not a good way to go for any nation), and cost some gems to cast (such as Kailasa's national Quickness spell).
Along the lines of having spells available from turn 1 what about the "Iron Fears Not x" elemental resistance spells? Having them available from turn 1 seems too much. It's a bit like awe on Ri/Tuatha - later in the game this wouldn't be a problem but from turn 1...

I agree that the better magic diversity is a big deal but worth keeping.

It's also occurred to me that because of the way forging costs round Ulm comes out ahead with the removal of hammers when it comes to inexpensive items because their forging costs don't go up by as much as other nations. For instance, without hammers 5 gem items increase by 1 gem for Ulm but 2 gems for non-forge bonus nations, which is a relative advantage for Ulm.

Btw, Exec, how much did you use Iron Angels?

I think this is a very useful game to provide feedback on 1.92 changes.

Originally Posted by Executor View Post
I'd kinda like an underdog nation in the next game.
Cripple RAND! Only, one of the successes of CBM is I don't know how many obviously weak nations there are anymore (not that all of the Cripple Fight eligible nations were weak to begin with).
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