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Old June 26th, 2012, 12:27 AM
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Default Re: YARG3, non newb MA+ENP2 RAND game. Executor's Ulm winner on turn 76

It's over? Well done, Executor!

Yeah, I was Svagoria. And Calahan's comments, while typically acerbic , were fairly spot on - I didn't really know what the hell I was doing.

This was actually the first mod nation I've ever played in MP, and definitely the first look I'd ever had at Svagoria. So yeah, as the game progressed, I really had no idea which direction I should be heading in.

Oh, and I did not know that Svagoria's free-spawn had an Upkeep cost! Damn, would have been nice to figure that out earlier in the game...

Add to that, I was in the midst of some severe Dominions burnout. That's why I had Rdonj find a sub, because I knew someone could do better with Svagoria than my half-assed, partially on autopilot leadership. So I'm not surprised that under Calahan's superior leadership, Svagoria was able to mount a surge.

Oh, as far as war decision making, I too was hoping folks would go for Ulm sooner. I was really disappointing when I saw Van and Eriu go at it, and I thought the only chance would be for Eriu to get put down quickly (seeming the weaker of the two), so the survivors could face Ulm before it was too late, so I jumped in against Eriu as well.

Eriu proved a tough nut to crack though, and my flailing around with crap like mounted archers with Flaming Arrows vs. Storm/Arrow Fend did not help

Oh well, not sure what could have been done against Ulm even with a quick victory over Eriu and a fully engaged C'tis. But I'm glad Svagoria and Van as least gave Executor a little run for his money
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