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Old June 26th, 2012, 01:53 AM
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Default Re: YARG3, non newb MA+ENP2 RAND game. Executor's Ulm winner on turn 76

Originally Posted by Curious Yellow View Post
Re: Wraithlord.

I had to really go back and look at the turns, because it happened half a year ago and I couldn't remember exactly how our war started except being sure that you started it.

At turn 43, I was fighting C'tis and we were both finishing off Marignon. Turn 44 you suddenly teleported in and took provinces 142 and 155. Granted none of them belonged to me at the time (they were Marignon's), but suddenly you took two provinces that pretty clearly were going to fall to me as spoils of war, and the two provinces didn't even connect to the rest of your empire! I felt I couldn't really let that stand, but didn't want to go to proper war with you. So on turn 45 I attacked just those two provinces to take them back and hoped it sent a message that you couldn't just snipe provinces from my back yard like that. Apparently you took it as a declaration of war, but in my mind it was just a natural response to your actions.

As for why I failed to attack Ulm - I wasn't really positioned to do so. Thing is that Pangea wasn't dead and my grasp of the Eastern part of my lands was really tenuous. I had no forts there and didn't think I could hold Ulm/Ashdod back if they attacked me. On the other hand I was bordering C'tis who had three capitals and I thought I had a decent chance of taking him down. So to me he was a natural target - and I was really hoping you and Svarogia would team up and go against Ulm.
ok. now I understand. yes I took two provinces that would have likely fallen to you. I remember at the time being uncertain of your plans re. me. Specifically I was afraid that if I'll attack Ulm you'd join up against me. So this raid was also sort of a test - if he lets it pass then he wants peace (more accurately knows that a war between us would be a disaster).
Regardless of this, in non diplo games if I get attacked then it's war. Plain and simple. Did it not occur to you that this will be the end result?
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