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Old June 26th, 2012, 03:41 AM

Calahan Calahan is offline
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Default Re: YARG3, non newb MA+ENP2 RAND game. Executor's Ulm winner on turn 76

@ Twobits.

Lol, at one point I was getting so frustrated with the position that I started to convince myself that the original player had some clairvoyancey skills and knew that I would be taking over for them at some point, and so initiated a cunning plan to get back at me for something With my fixation in particular being on the S5 Oracle.

As the only reason I could see for S5 was to piss me off with being so close to being a gem Wish caster, and yet so far without being able to get my hands on those precious artefact boosters. And the only Level 9 hit was Alt, to further dangle the S5 non-Wish capable Oracle in my face! If S6+ then perfect, S4- and I wouldn't care. But S5, S-fecking-5!!!

I felt like a donkey chasing a S9 carrot
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