Thread: Blood SCs
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Old June 26th, 2012, 08:23 PM

Bat/man Bat/man is offline
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Default Re: Blood SCs

Ok. Splain it to me.

The advantage is you don't have to carry blood slaves around.
Usually this takes a scout. You also save 1 blood slave per participant. Blood economies can generate huge numbers of blood slaves - economy isn't usually an issue. You can get a little more creative with placement.

You are a tiny bit less susceptible to first turn earthquakes, rain of stones, etc; (since you can communion with fewer slaves).

You can sometimes form communions you wouldn't have been able to.

On the flip side of the coin you get *much* more controllable, and predictable use of blood slaves when it costs 100.

And you are less susceptible to scripting errors.
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