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Old June 27th, 2012, 01:32 PM
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Amhazair Amhazair is offline
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Default Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings

Originally Posted by Executor View Post
That's a nice army down there it is, Wl! I'm waiting to see what Amhazir tries to smash it with!
Yes, that. Not too shabby an army that is. I'm getting on it though. It's good you mention that army so everyone knows I'm serious. My current plan is: "Dump my complete gem stockpiles as fast as possible for anything even remotely useful and hope it's enough." Unfortunately, the only gem-type that's really going to make a difference (Due to research-and-especially-casting-time-constraints is Nature. So, I hereby declare a crash fire-sale of everything else.

Who has a use for FIRE gems? (Up to 66)
Who craves some WATER gems? (Up to 60)
Who'd love some AIR gems? (Up to 19)
Who admires the purity of ASTRAL pearls? (Up to 29)
Who's addicted to those excellent DEATH gems? (Up to 18. And yes Wraithlord, I might even be temped to trade with you, allthough I will think twice about any offer.)
(Unfortunately I don't have a single EARTH gem to offer.)


We accept NATURE gems, and can allways be tempted by fresh virgins. Trades probably need to be concluded this very turn, so come on in and sample the products, but don't dally over your choises, for tomorrow it might be too late for you. (And especially for me.)
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