I don't really understand what's being argued because the idea that some mages being able of entering communions at a much higher fatigue cost than equivalent mages with astral somehow has a negative impact on the game is pretty daft.
In many cases, your fatigue level will not matter. for example:
B3: Slave: Whatever
B3: slave: Whatever
B3 slave: Whatever
b3 Master; Reinvig
Another Case:
bx master: tiny spell, tiny spell tiny spell
Bx: Slave: Whatever......
Bx: Slave: Whatever
B3: Master : tiny spell, Reinvigorate; Reinvigorate; Reinvigorate
b3 Master: Big spell, big spell, big spell..
This kind of communion depends a lot on timing.
First round: All slaves cases Slave or master
Second Round: First master casts an inconsequential spell, to prevent slaves from casting. Last master casts big fatigue spell
Third round slaves regen to under 200. Second master casts reinvig - pegging the slaves to 200. But then the reinvig drops them down to some reasonably exhausted state. Third master casts a big fatigue spell again - begging them back to 200.
So essentially the cyle becomes: Big spell; recover,.; reinvig. Big spell, recover, reinvig. Continue through five rounds of script.
And you don't have to use reinvig either. The it can be any spell that reduces fatigue.
It relies on the mechanism that it doesn't matter how much fatigue you have 0 or 199. Any spell then cast is just going to react exactly the same. Peg you to 200.