Thread: Utility Single Player Improvement
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Old June 29th, 2012, 04:21 PM
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Default Re: Single Player Improvement

Kindof an all-in-one? A one-stop for all the AI improvements? Sounds good.
Id rather have seen SemiRand work for intelligent gods. Plus it had other features for improving solo play. Otherwise you are trading one type of predictable behavior for another.
EDIT: they are the semirand gods? good move

If the program can generate NI maps then why not generate PI maps? Allow setting a percentage. I prefer 1 to 10 so that most of the provinces are no-recruit but it still allows for some provinces to offer nice surprises. It still forces the AI to use much less indepts. And it makes those recruitable sites prime real estate.

How about random scattering of castles with inside and outside defenders? And PD? random labs and temples appropriately guarded?

How about an option to sprinkle the map with magic items? How about an option for 100% magic sites? How about surprise units scattered out?

Will the maps go up to 1495? will the have new color options? the Sepia option of Elmokki's maps would go over well.
EDIT: colors are in the settings file. Never mind.

Last edited by Gandalf Parker; June 29th, 2012 at 04:30 PM..
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