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Old June 30th, 2012, 11:34 AM

Redeyes Redeyes is offline
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Default Re: Conceptual Balance Mod v1.92

Originally Posted by Shardphoenix View Post
Originally Posted by Valerius View Post
what if they used the same metric and non-unique blood summons cost gems, not slaves?
What for? Just to nerf all blood powerhouses to the level of pre-CBM EA Agartha?
Isn't the question mostly something like "just for fun?" I mean, the suggestion is anti-good and the gem cost system has a large dose of arbitrary already (why does ghosts initially cost 4 death gems when you get a troll for 1 earth?) No blood summons seems more like a house-rule for specific games than anything else.

I don't know why you figure blood nations would be close-to-useless (I figure that's what you were describing when comparing it to old Agharta) even without blood summons, some of them still have large enough strengths to go around.

Comparing blood summons to the others isn't easily done either, as you can usually get a lot more blood summons from a province than you can get other summons, even as things are now. At 2 gems I compare the blood summons to the individuals summons others get. I think blood deserves a reduction in the amount of units it allows you to field, but different strokes and all that, some people seem to not just bother with setting up decent-sized parallel blood economies.
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