Originally Posted by elmokki
The net quality of a community doesn't usually go up when you ban the people who contribute the most.
Now this is what boggles my mind.
How does it serve your interests and help You, Shrapnel, to act in such a matter? Are people supposed to tiptoe around this forum, being careful not to say or do anything You (and apparently only you) considered offensive and ban worthy in your delusions?
What you're doing is bringing down a community, one that used to be much bigger and better as I remember. That didn't change due to people moving on to new games and forums, you're the ones who instigated that exodus. Frankly I don't see how that's good for you or your business in any way possible.
You're on a pretty good way to alienating all those long year game fans which have kept this forum alive and running. Actually I think you already did that a while back and are now just finishing the job with banning people like Calahan without even giving an explanation.
I get that you can, should and do run the boards any damn way you please. But providing a simple explanation in such situations ( something you are dead set on never doing from my experience, no matter the cost ), or just being a bit courteous, respectful to the people on the forum goes a long way.
However acting as you do now, without what seems to me the slightest bit of respect to any of your users, goes a long way in establishing a bad reputation and just a net lose to your company.
You've already managed to split the community right down the middle with the Sombre drama. I personally think you handled that in the worst possible way btw. If you'd shown a bit of respect to all those people involved in that drama or given a proper explanation I'm betting half the damn community wouldn't have just up and left. Now I may be wrong of course, but to me it seems the larger, better, more active, helpful and contributing a community you have, the better it is for business overall generally.
Now, how I think this discussion will probably end sadly;
You'll lock down this thread, give some vague explanation (at best!) or why you did what you did, anger a few more members (like myself) along the way, and probably threaten with some more bans if people don't just drop the matter and go away.
Doing a bang up job so far guys.