Originally Posted by revenant2
Originally Posted by mattyburn7
1) It sounds like everyone is about ready to concede. I know the writing is on the wall, but I'd like a few turns of fighting with Ermor to try to test some things and learn some things. If others want to turn AI that is fine, but I'll stick it out a bit longer.
Excellent. We have a few things we'd like to try out as well since you're one of the few nations (besides Marignon) that we haven't fought yet.
By the way, I'm giving notice to Atlantis that Bone Daddy's hordes will be attacking him this turn since it's obvious that an attack is imminent from him. However, we'll refrain from attacking if he still wants to be bound by the terms of the NAP.
Well, you may attack me anytime, you already broken NAP with UD and while my forces are not in thier positions it is of little importance juset now.
Yes. The map definetly helped in this case. Of course it also created a situation for me where I could expand and get way ahead in research. So it worked for me in the early game and worked against me in the mid-game when I was best positioned to check (had access to spells that would have been devestating to chaff) you but had no way to get my armies near you.
No wrapping is bad bad bad. Normally you are going to have at least three nations working against LA Ermor in the early game, this time we had two. And players in corners have great advantadge. It is possible to limit the effects of that problems with very careful map design, but it is not a trivial.
About scouts and casus belli: if you are concerned about someones scouts you may talk to that player about it. To deaclare war if someone sent a scout or two to your territory is not a good thing.
Casting Utterdark is the same thing to say "World, I want to bugger you and I'm doing this rrrrright now." I can't understand how this may even possibly lie in the gray area, sorry.