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Old July 3rd, 2012, 04:40 AM

datom datom is offline
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Default Re: Introduce yourself!! :-)

Hi all,

Finally took the plunge on Dominions 3 after weighing it up for ... ooh, about 5 years.

Taking my first faltering steps in SP with EA T'ien Chi right now but what's a good way to 'learn' to the point that I can play MP? I've heard a lot of varying comments - play MA Man and use general strategies, pick one nation and play specific strategies, play the AI, don't play the AI as it builds bad habits etc.? Presuming SP is useful, should I wait until I can beat the AI, beat several AIs, beat AI consistently etc.? How long is the normal incubation period? I enjoyed the tutorial but got a lot from reading a few something awful LPs.

I like the idea of 'subbing in' as an intro down the line a bit but I'm scared the sheer number of decisions would be a little overwhelming!

Excited to be here!
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