Originally Posted by PriestyMan
The biggest joke of them all is that Crapnel will refer to their Terms and Agreement and say he messed up. but in them they have a detailed infraction system that includes infraction points (i know pyg got like 1 point once) and temporary bans before anyone is supposed to get perma-banned. Of course Crapnel has never once followed their own procedure. Just like in the Sombre thing, they just banned and didnt give a **** what their own rules were
Say rather that, just like in the Sombre thing, you and several others didn't understand the rules or, more probably, didn't
want to understand the rules.
The forum has a detailed infraction system, yes. But this is not the only way to get banned, it is just a guaranteed way to get banned.
The very same section of the rules that contains the infraction system contains the following words, which you and other rules-lawyers usually ignore:
A permanent ban can be applied for any reason and at any time if the Admins determine it is warranted to promote the harmony of the community.
In other words, whether you like it or not, the rules are
very clear on this issue. You can be banned for anything that is considered, at the sole discretion of the forum administration, to be detrimental to the community mood.