Re: The Joys of Overzealous Mods
Peter you are the one rule lawyering. (Rule lawyers also tend to write a lot of rules. Which trolls then abuse to make their points. Which leads to the dom3mods rule of ... (and only spambots get banned)).
I think the rest just understands that the rules are just bull, and the mods will do as they please and think up reasons and justifications afterwards.
This whole rule system is worthless. But you know this. You now perfectly well what I'm talking about. As we discussed this to death with you the last time somebody was banned.
We already discussed this the last time. You think written rules are important. I think it is more about unwritten social rules. I imply you do not understand unwritten rules. You imply I do not understand written rules. Etc.
And again, like I said the last time, the problem with shrapnel is that they do not apply any of the other they say they should do. Like having two user accounts for example. A new player here has gotten a new account while he still had an old one. That is allowed. But suddenly calahan gets banned. It is the ambiguity that is the problem.
Look at my posts for example. I have clearly been out of line every once in a while. Did I ever get warned for that? Or infractions? Nope. Not once. The only way for me to see if I crossed the line is to look if I'm banned or not(*). (Not that I want to).
Ps: The infraction system has not been used for years. Just ask the mods. They will either come clean and say "indeed has not been used for years". Or they will make up some story that they cannot give examples because that would void the privacy of the people infracted. Or some other lie that we cannot confirm or deny.
@momfreek. Yeah, I know, gotta pipe down with the mob mentality. But I have not really felt that much community brotherhood of us vs shrapnel myself. And have not seen that much reaction. Not that much people seem to care. (Apart from calahan, executor, and a few of the other posters here).
And I have repeatedly told people when they crossed lines. The constant harassing of batman (we get it, we know who he used to be) and ghoul was really annoying. (And I have crossed some myself of course). Of course, I also cross lines... but yeah.
Once again, Calahan probably deserved it. But why today/this week? Why not when he posted the bad stuff he posted.
Ps: looking at the rules again. I see this:
"Strong profanity should generally be restricted. "Damn," "Hell," and "Microsoft" are all okay."
And this:
"Do not post any material which is knowingly false, and or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, hateful, harassing, racist, obscene, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, or that otherwise violates any local, state, national or international law or regulation."
Good job not defaming Microsoft shrapnel.
*: there is also an informal method. Lets call it the Strider way. If he shows up, people get banned. Just like last times "who the **** are you" episode.