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Old July 3rd, 2012, 01:14 PM
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Amhazair Amhazair is offline
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Default Re: The Joys of Overzealous Mods

Originally Posted by Peter Ebbesen View Post
The very same section of the rules that contains the infraction system contains the following words, which you and other rules-lawyers usually ignore:
A permanent ban can be applied for any reason and at any time if the Admins determine it is warranted to promote the harmony of the community.
In other words, whether you like it or not, the rules are very clear on this issue. You can be banned for anything that is considered, at the sole discretion of the forum administration, to be detrimental to the community mood.
Well, I certainly won't argue this point. I also won't argue that Calahan can be quite rude at times.

He's always right mind you, but he doesn't bother to be polite about it. (At least, he usually is frienly enough the first time he argues something, but loses patience when people disagree for unsound reasons.) So honestly, even though I like the guy, I can kinda see where the mods are comming from.

What I am upset about though is a genuninely helpful community member getting banned without a warning, nor being asked by anyone if he'd be willing to change his behaviour*, and at a time when he had actually consciously - and publicly - decided to stop bothering to argue with idiots (There, now even I have been tempted to call people names. Probably the first time in my entire internet career. I hope you're all proud of this achievement, because I doubt this will happen too often in like the history of the world ever and stuff.) and stick to helping (new) people with game settings and maps and the like.

* At least according to him nothing of the sort happened, and I'm inclined to trust him on this.

Last edited by Amhazair; July 3rd, 2012 at 01:20 PM.. Reason: Because using the same word twice in the same sentence is not a literary thing to do
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