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Old July 3rd, 2012, 03:49 PM

rdonj rdonj is offline
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Default Re: The Joys of Overzealous Mods

Originally Posted by Peter Ebbesen View Post
Originally Posted by Soyweiser View Post
Explain me this one thing. Why are the rules so important people? I don't get it.
Okay. Let's start with the basics.

I don't have a right to post in this forum. You don't have a right to post in this forum. None of us do, save the Shrapnel staff. It is, effectively, a private club. And in a private club, you follow the rules regardless of whether you like them or not. Now, why is that, you ask?

Because I have entered a voluntary agreement, whereby in return for agreeing to follow the forum rules on this particular private forum (the price), I am extended the privilege of posting here (the benefit).

If I violate the forum rules consciously, then I violate my given word.

Which is something I will not do.

If I no longer wish to adhere to my side of the agreement or if I cannot in good conscience do so because I disagree with the rules, then I will no longer post in the forum.

This argument is good enough for me.

The question to you is then, given that you, too, have voluntarily entered this agreement, knowing full well what you agreed to as it was presented to you to read before joining and having all the time in the world to reread the agreement later on, why is obeying the forum rules not important to you?
If shrapnel sets rules that it intends for us to follow, and it tells us what action it will take if we don't follow their rules, and they ignore that and just do whatever the hell they feel like, there is no sense of order whatsoever. Especially this whole business of not bothering to inform a person why they've been banned is nonsense.

As stated earlier there is no good reason to be banning calahan right now as opposed to times when he actually did something. In fact banning him at this point is sheer stupidity, regardless of whatever reasons shrapnel things they had to ban him. But what else is new.
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