Thread: Utility Single Player Improvement
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Old July 3rd, 2012, 06:21 PM
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Default Re: Single Player Improvement

Originally Posted by JonBrave View Post
Originally Posted by Fantomen View Post
Well, basically it would require a program that could decipher .trn files properly, and then output a correct 2h file. Or in other words, mimic the game client
I don't get this. I understand you're proposing an external program to read in the .trn files, then have a think like an external human player and produce its own move. That's just some AI, shouldn't be too difficult. What I don't get is: how are you going to get the external program to actually click the buttons and drag the units to do its move and so produce the 2h file? That seems much harder....
You are joking right? The external program just generates the .2h file.
I'm acting like a high school girl /\
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