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Old July 3rd, 2012, 08:40 PM
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Default Re: BSoD (Newbie, LA, CBM 1.92) [Started!]

Originally Posted by mattyburn7 View Post
I can also understand when the game is pretty much done (like this one is now) or if your personal life gets in the way. But we were begging Midgard and Pangaea(when Aderion was playing) to think about the threat of Ermor and they showed little interest...and of course when Midgard got invaded he bailed. R'lyeh also. I really respect Parone for hanging in. He probably prevented me from getting attacked.
I know you guys are about ready to throw in the towel, but if everyone banded together you still might be able to make a go of this thing. I'll readily admit that I'm in a incredibly strong position (assaulting my homeland would be the stuff of nightmares for an invader) and the chances are definitely in my favor, but I'm still a newbie with only one game under my belt and another one that's in progress (I'm about to lose that game in progress BTW), and it feels like I barely know what I'm doing half the time, so there's still a little bit of hope.

I'm all with you about Paron: He was a steely eyed missile man throughout this entire game and deserves a huge amount of credit for tenaciously resisting Ulm.
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