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Old July 4th, 2012, 03:53 AM
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Default Re: The Dreamlands in MP Blood Sacrifices

writing on the wall: turn 13

Now that there appeared to be little time, the Starspawn Council descended down to the curious library under the sunken city.

Instead of books the library consisted of innumerous, empty stone champers. Instead of books the library had carvings on the walls, all done in symbols unfamiliar to man. The study was troubling – they were looking for any bits of intel revealing the secrets of newly discovered neighbours. And what did they find, dear Cthulhu!

All of them – Caelum, Midgård, Marignon – have easy access to Air magic. Marignon and Midgård also got knowledge on Blood, and Midgård and Caelum got considerable stealth units. Marignon, also, has champs I need to take into account; spy and assasin. This means, if willing, all three can easily submerge units with really nasty intentions. Cthulhu save us! We can only hope they keep busy with other earthlings...

It was pretty obvious massed cultists would crush the resistance in a province our armies headed, so no surprises there. Thus, it is not important what went down.

It is important what came up.

First, the ancient city (told to be as old as the Pillar of Heaven it self) where our army was headed stood radiant in the sun light – radiant and more importantly untouched by those grotesque flying demons flocking over the fabled hilltops of Caelum. The city guard was rumored to be heavily armored noblemen on horse, who would rather give their lives than give away their privileges as the leading caste in the city.

Good, a fight in sight.

The heavy cav might be supported by missile troops of some sort – maybe even crossbow men, after all the city was old, populous and prosperous. But they were not important. If we could succesfully utilize cultists as a meat wall against the cav charge, the Elder Things (from the Void) and Illithids would take care of the rest.

The starspawn Council chose to pursue the original plan, and carefully split the field army in two. The first, smaller unit heads North with Dagon the traitor king. The second and by far larger unit prepares to conquer the city in front of our troops.

So far we have been lucky...

...however, dark clouds (in form of dark wings) can be seen in the horizon. The province we pacified is a neighbour to the seat of power of infamous Caelum.

This is indeed very interesting situation.

First of all, the capital of Caelum stoods practically within one turn aerial drop from my seat of power. With some water breathing items the parrots with map movement 3 (there is only one unit w/ map movement 2, all others have map movement 3!!!11) can come knocking on our heaven's door without a warning.

Well, to be honost, I dont have slightest idea if flying over water works like flying over solid ground, even when equipped with water breathing items, and more over, they need to find my sunken city first.

But, they already know of our precense at the city West of their capital. Aerial drop could be coming any turn. Also, if we manage to capture the city in the east, as we should, they can drop their grotesque bird-alikes there too, directly from their dreaded hilltops within one turn.

Most importantly, we am now in control of a neighbouring province to their capital. This means we are a serious threath from their perspective. The fact is making a possibility of pre-emptive strike even more likely. But also opening a possibility for intersting gambit for us, too. If we keep the province occupied with a significant force, they might be too affraid to leave their home province.

And, we could, on the other hand, move against their capital right now! Tempting idea, wont lie it did not cross my squid's mind at all. However, being tied into a long war of attrition could prove fatal so early on. Therefore I simply leave parrots alone for now. But it is indeed tempting, considering how large army I field next to their capital.

While staying back for now, we would like to coin already a strategy for an incoming assault against their capital. No matter when it happens, we might got best chances if we can take them by surprise with massed, flying SCs. For example, emptying the neighbouring province allows them to fall to a false sense of security.

We could prepare couple of Vastness' (at least one with Gift of Reason cast on it) to secure the bridgehead and siege the capital. They can fly over multiple provinces – I assume at this point at least – so enemy doesnt know whats coming for them before they are already there. Same turn we can move our field army to the neighbouring province, and continue marching forward next month. In two turns we should have secured the siege with unbreakable army, and get the capital within a turn or two. But this is for the future (and could work on any other province on that matter).

In West, Midgård is getting ready to move against the city of Glimmerin Fields, it seems.

The prophet Robert Olmstead is doing good work converting people there, and while on it, he eyewitnessed a strange encounter. A single Midgård captain came rampaging into the city, killing cityfolk on his left and on his right. It took only an eye blink for the archers of the city guard to take the lunatic down, but Robert Olmstead was sure the commander wasnt acting alone for simple lack of witts (or because he somehow would have been converted to the cult). Olmstead reports he is sure the commander was merely screening a recon mission. Midgård most likely was measuring strenght of the city guard before the final showdown with them.

Robert Olmstead got finally convinced when he sneaked close to the city mortuary by night, and saw a Valkyrie flying away with the body of a fallen hero. This northman would be feasting among his warrior brothers in the halls of Odin before the archers who killed him would have got supplied with new arrows. Fine trade for a warrior serving his gods – in life and in death.
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