the northmen marching on: turn 14
A glance on stats shows some interesting figures.
First, the number of the temples went up 400% in three turns. One more coming up this turn, and another a turn after this one. Then we have got six up already and we have to evaluate if we can afford more at this point.
We need to start investing in local guards in the land provinces. Which brings us to another number. The upkeep cost. As Squirreloid stated in his guide, R'lyeh will be short on money side. We hired some Illithid infantry for initial expansion, but havent been hiring them for awhile now. We just can not afford them – as predicted. Luckily dominion pops up some random Void Monsters along the way, such as Elder Things and Otherness'.
We are a bit worried about our Void Summons – they dont keep coming like We'd wished, Cthulhu damn it!
Where are our Greater Otherness' and the first Vastness? The initial research goal is Gift of Reason, so we can start sending Vastnesses raging around the map, and right after it we aim for Void Spectre – this is the order because Astral Pearls are scarce commodity, and Spectres are Pearl hungry breed. By the time we get there we should have solid flow of pearls (Note to self: save all extra pearls!!!11). However, we might have to get some Construction in between, just to make sure when we start spamming GoR, we can supply our new champions the best gear of war available.
We won the battle of Omicria. Nothing special there.
Our mages casted Mind Burns, and Illithids and Elder Things casted Mind Blasts. Dagon the traitor king, on the other, lost the battle in North. Now we need to regroup and send a new invasion force, so little set back that direction. This turn our armies attack two provinces, battles after which the whole sea should finally be under our iron tentacle.
As seen in the picture, we also make two other movements, placing our fresh levies in locations from where they can move and attack finally outside our home sea turn after the next one. If all goes well we might be able to lauch four different attacks next turn, Cthulhu bless us!
The frikkin' parrots of Caelum worry us, thou.. as we can see from the recon sketch above, Caelum moved their aerial drop units into new positions. We are doubtfull, thou, they have got waterbreathing items – yet! However, they present some danger to our land provinces already, making the plan of investing in PD even more importat, as mentioned before.
In the West, northmen, as predicted, took the city of Glimmerin Fields. Simple infantry tactics, nothing fancy there.