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Old July 4th, 2012, 06:04 AM
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Default Re: The Joys of Overzealous Mods

Originally Posted by momfreeek View Post
How is that hypocrisy? Do shrapnel post swear words?

Thats the third time I've seen you make a completely false accusation in almost as many posts. At least learn the words, there's no dignity in being a rude guy thats always wrong ^^
You don't have a sense of humor lying around somewhere? I consider ALL censorship hypocrisy, especially automated censorship. That's my opinion, so it cannot be factually wrong. I could explain why I hold this position but why bother, it's boring to explain the obvious and everyone smart enough can figure it out by themselves. And I'm not a guy, it's getting tired of the default masculinum that makes me use a picture of myself as avatar, but I guess that's not obvious enough.

I assume whatever other post you're referring to being a similar case.
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