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Old July 4th, 2012, 07:18 PM

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Default Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) smiting has begun!

Originally Posted by Immaculate View Post
Hey Carpet,

I'm not quite the threat to Marrignon, Utgard, Agartha, Bogarus, Ti'en Chi and Gath as i am to you. In fact, if you are frightened of me, the world should be that much more frightened of Marrignon, and Utgard who are more powerful than I and of Agartha who i would rank equivalently. No... the world does not worry about Monkeys with chalices since that chalice is following an army around (stealthily) to prevent affliction accumulation because the monkeys have zero death access and no way of getting Tarts. That doesn't even make Zmeys and devils blink.

Still thinking that you should have broken your NAP(5) with me for a few gold? Who bribed you? Think maybe it was one of the nations i listed? Was it worth it? Maybe you should be suing for peace with me- i'm not interested in war with you- thats why i bribed you for a NAP(5). I suggest you rethink your long-term strategy.

PS: @Everyone: anyone want to sell me a skull staff booster? I got the death gems to make it and a bit of gold to pay you for your trouble... i need to start building my tartarian factory (LOL). Seriously though... i would like to buy a skull staff.
Hrm? Aren't we playing CBM 1.92? Isn't the chalice nerfed to uselessness? I'm soooo rusty!

For the record, I'd like to say we at Bogarus haven't bribed Pythium, I think Carpetbagger is calling it as he sees it.

Bogarus is not sure which is stronger - Marignon or Patala. It's a matchup I'd buy popcorn to see.
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