Re: Newbie/Intermediate FF game: A Totally Civil Union [send pretenders]
Most amusing turn.
I managed to nail one of Marverni's (=Ragnarok X's) marauding armies, with a bunch of communioned druids in it - overall, a quite satisfying victory, except that he nailed my pretender god on turn 2 or 3 with a soul slay. Well done, buddy - revenge for me nailing your pretender a few turns back :-D
Also, there is this tongue of land about three provinces wide to the south of me. Lanka originally owned it. Then Pan invaded it, with a larger army - but once you are in the corridor, there is not way out (unless you want to start a war with another country) - so then an army of Lankans followed the Pan dudes up and trounced them. Then Pan did it back. Then Lanka again. And now a HUUUUGE army of Pan dudes is marching up the corridor. Truly, this most excellent viewing :-)