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Old July 5th, 2012, 01:06 PM

Executor Executor is offline
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Default Re: The Joys of Overzealous Moderators

I'm sure you have a far better understanding of Shrapnel than me Llama but I'm going to have to call bull**** on this one.
For one, Shrapnel staff have behaved in a much worse fashion than Calahan.
Take S.R. Krol for example. He clearly has a racist comment in his blog which at least two people find inappropriate there (frightlever, archaeolept). Let's not mention that half the people here think so as well, we're only stating the obvious ones. Than you have at least one person who actually reported that blog (though I'm sure other did as well), that person being me. And has there been any action regarding this? No.
On the other hand you have Calahan, who yes posted a sig that's a direct insult to another user. Calahan gets banned.
Explain to me has a personal insult deserves a perma ban while a racial insult merits nothing? So, yes, I say bull**** and hypocrites. And I won't except any rationale that it was a slip up since he obviously had two years to correct it.

As for Shrapnel reading the forums, no, I don't expect them to read every thread regularly at once. Though if they show up two months late I expect them to explain their actions. I think that's perfectly reasonable.

-Why didn't you check up on the whole matter?

What I meant here is once they found (or rather "someone" pointed out) the sig they should have also checked Calahans claim, however rude it was. It turns out he was correct after all.

CrisP is still not banned even after it was established he had a double account.

Registering and using multiple accounts is not allowed. If we determine that you have more than one account (by matching IPs, etc), all accounts will lose their posting privileges.

Sorry Llama, I've got nothing but respect for you and this isn't aimed at you, but.., actually, Maerlande stated what I think perfectly at dom3mods (link below) and that's why this whole situation makes me slightly mad.
Lurkers be advised. BTW, Gandalf, there's no reason to hide the fact you follow at least some threads, if not all, at dom3mods. So speak plainly.
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