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Old July 5th, 2012, 08:15 PM
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Default Re: The Joys of Overzealous Moderators

Originally Posted by Fantomen View Post
You mean like with your old dual account wikd thots?

Well, then we have two cases where double accounts is obviously ok. They just ban the new account and lets you keep the old one, good to know. Bit inconsistent with the official rhetoric but whatever.
You guys are really something about digging up stuff from years ago. That might be a couple years farther back than even the blog incident. Wow.

Actually I was referring to something more recent iirc altho still enough years ago that many here might not remember.
My accounts were blended at the great site conversion along with lots of other people. That was when they did a huge update to the forum software and a bunch of things broke for awhile. The account blending for me didnt go quite like I wanted since my usual account login gp1628 was blended into my name account. But I didnt want to lose my "joined" date to fix it. Its kindof a pain to remember to use my full name to login with instead of the way I do hundreds of other sites.

Most of the blends at the time were for people who remade for reasons like forgetting their passwords or wanting a space login for Space Empires and a fantasy login for posting to Dom3. They all werent mass-banned. Just asked why and it was fixed if they said they would comply from then on. Most got the "chance to volunteer to be banned" conversation that used to be pretty standard altho that was back when there was more staff.

I think the guy you said was already gone long before that.
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