the orient express: turn 16
This time only one picture, but details are abundant. First note Yomi, discovered by Robert Olmstead. On the right side in the picture, however West from our sea. The prophet is swimming closer to the incoming area of operations around Sea of Woe.
Second, as you can see Caelum launched aerial invasion against northmen in South. This might prove smart because northmen are earthbound and can't easily pass the city controlled by our forces in the middle. If Caelum only holds his bridgehead, hes able to bring the war to the enemy.
Third, the gathering of Illithids near C'tis coast caused crisis among the swamp priests leading them demanding a swift NAP5 between two of us. We replied explaining we am not getting involved in formal diplomacy. He shared some intel (accurate or not, we will see next turn) that C'tis will launch an invasion against Caelum next turn – to which we replied leaking the Caelum-Midgård war.
The leader of the Illithid battle group, Henry Wentworth Akeley, is marching up the river to secure Sea of Woe come next month. The incoming turn appears to be extremely interesting: Sea of Woe is gonna reveal it's secrets.