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Old July 7th, 2012, 09:12 AM

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Default Re: The Joys of Overzealous Moderators

Originally Posted by Executor View Post
Posted at the behest of Calahan;

So I see some of my critics are coming out of the woodwork on Shrapnal now that it's safe to have a go at me just because I can't respond to them directly (how brave of them). Can someone do me a favour and offer my critics this challenge...
This from the guy who has created a thread exclusively to make fun & take cheap shots at the posters of other forums. Pot, kettle, black. It's not fun being on the other side, right?

Take a step out of your shoes and think about how you can improve your attitude. It's not too late to change. It's called empathy.

The Calahan Challenge - Find any post where I've insulted someone that HASN'T been either a direct result of that person posting misinformation, talking nonsense, or trying to defend suspect playing behaviour (such as cheating/move-blocking/bailing etc). Or that person having a history of doing any and all of the aforementioned things .
And this is where you are, and have always been wrong. If you did this in RL you would get a black eye most often than not. As this is the internet, you only get a ban.

If someone makes a mistake, you are welcome to correct him/her, but not insult & belittle. You go too far.

Seriously, grow up. I'm sure there is an intelligent & kind guy behind all that posturing, you do unselfish stuff as admining games for newbies after all. But you are not a unique snowflake: the world doesn't evolve around your personal peeves & dislikes, you are the one who has to be flexible & adapt to living in society, and not everybody else adapt to your very particular ways.
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