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Old July 7th, 2012, 03:30 PM
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Default Re: The Joys of Overzealous Moderators

Originally Posted by Wendigo_reloaded View Post
Besides, your place->your rules. This is Shrapnel's place, guess who gets to write the rules here.
You are the one who is missing the point because of your coloured glasses, try to be more objective.

Really, the cards are on the table. Callaghan gets to choose whether he wants to be a valuable asset for the Dominions community or just a troublemaker.
The catch here being of course that given past precedent for banning high octane contributors who may on occasion be troublesome, Calahan got the rawest deal for the least offenses that I have seen in six years, bar none: A summary ban without warning or public explanation.

Aside from including something (I don't know exactly what) about another poster in his sig, he hasn't done anything I haven't done at some point or another, though I did put some additional safeties (such as they are) on the flamethrower way back when I was made a moderator.

So it is not difficult to see why this caused such an uproar, because the question about the consistency of the enforcement of the rules and the basis on which it is done is, to those not privy to additional information, completely legitimate.
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