Originally Posted by Wendigo_reloaded
Rdonj: He has his friends, such as you, to vouch for him. He can re-join and speak for himself. He is far from defenseless. Who vouches for your targets in Invision? I bet anyone that shows to defend himself will rather suffer a piling on. That's exactly the way of old boys clubs, bullies & hive minds. Do not expect an applause if that's the way you choose to act.
Besides, your place->your rules. This is Shrapnel's place, guess who gets to write the rules here.
You are the one who is missing the point because of your coloured glasses, try to be more objective.
So your argument is that because you *think* that the invision board is an old boy's club, you *expect* that someone who shows up to defend themselves will be voted off the island. Aside from the irony of saying something like that in this thread with some rather obvious piling on of calahan by a bunch of people who basically never post except when people are banned and the circular logic employed by your argument, the fact is that situations like this on the invisions board play out fairly similarly to how they do here, except that we don't ban people over there. And there are some people over on invision now who had a somewhat dubious reputation on the board at one point who have come over and been accepted now (after due process of an airing out of grievances). So, please stop making things up, kthanks
Edi: That was a hilariously accurate portrayal of Calahan, thanks for making me laugh.