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Old July 8th, 2012, 06:35 AM

Executor Executor is offline
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Default Re: The Joys of Overzealous Moderators

Posted at the request of Calahan.

@ Edi

I must say it's pretty unnerving how well you know my forum behaviour. Starts to make me wonder what else you know about me You might want to make note though that I prefer a minigun over a flamethrower, as I find it does more damage at a quicker rate (I recommend you check it out yourself). Although recently I've found the nuclear option to be very appealing, as the time savings you can make with it are just incredible!

Anyway, I thought you might want to know what my signature was which I seemingly got banned for. I'm not 100% sure if the following is word-for-word accurate, but it's around the 95% mark, and is certainly an accurate representation of what my signature was...


(sorry to further disappoint my critics after Edi took the wind out of your sails, but no porns links were harmed in the making of my signature, contrary to some of the rumours I'm sure you'd all like to believe are true)

And that was it. No idea exactly what part of that signature got me banned, I'm guessing it was the word "stupid", but if so then it appers I effectively got banned for calling an Orange an Orange. I might have used "idiot" instead of "stupid", and in the context of "I can not take idiots like Bat-man...", but I don't see how that makes any real difference unless you are playing Scrabble.

I put that signature in place on, or soon after the 14th May, after finally giving up arguing with Bat-man in a thread on the main forum (and at the same point I firmly convinced myself that Bat-man was Chris-P, and so I also realised who I was pointlessly arguing with, and which therefore prompted me to stop arguing immediately due to significant prior experience). And I was banned (for this signature?) on either 1st or 2nd July (I noticed around noon GMT on 2nd July).

And apologies for the slight mis-spellings. They are there to get around a word fliter that's currently in place on dom3mods.

If the links don't work, which I suspect they won't as they never do when copied from a post (they get displayed in shortened form, and copied as such), then please use the following and add the letter "h" to the start of them. (to make "http" obviously). Most browers do this automatically when you paste the text into the address bar.


Link to this post on dom3mods, in case it doesn't display properly on Shrapnal

Last edited by Edi; July 8th, 2012 at 03:51 PM.. Reason: Preventive damage control
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