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Old July 8th, 2012, 09:29 AM
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Default Re: The Joys of Overzealous Moderators

This is my perspective. Calahan is consistently, over the years I know him, helping the community in many ways, like sharing knowledge, doing tests, balancing maps ( he did this once or a twice as a generous favor for games I hosted) & subbing.
He is given much more than, I'd say at least 90% of the forum members. You see, how many vets out there have the will, time or patience to correct disinformation spread to newbs?

If his sig. was over the top the mod should have talked to him about & ask him politely to moderate it.
Many forms of abusive behavior pass under the radar but that does not make them right or any less abusive. I'm talking about P/A, answering wrong answers w/o checking & w/o a simple "ÿes I was wrong" when called out, ditching games etc. Yet such are not banned. Instead a top contributor is out right banned when reported for his sig. (who actually reported violation of forum rules albeit not in a polite manner)

That's wrong. And the sooner it's acknowledged the better. He should be un-banned and if it were me who banned him I'd do two more things - apologize for the harsh & unjust measure and ask him to take it easy and try to moderate his responses. I'm sure he'll comply since he's basically a good guy and has good intentions. But at the very least he deserves a chance.

And Exec is absolutely right about:
A simple solution to this would have been to appoint several very active and appreciated members to supervise the forum they are active in, and leave those mods to handle internal matters regarding those forums. Help new members, organize new projects, intervene in situations like this where two members were pointlessly banned, etc. I'm sure many member would have been glad to help (people like Soy, WL, Frozen, Maer...) and those people would actually be able to promote harmony on the forums and help the company as well.
Is that really that hard to do? And yet imagine how much better this forum would be, how much more people would be here, how many more people would actively contribute and participate on the forums, and how many more people would actually buy this game?
Although it's not a trivial thing to ask of working, busy ppl I'm sure volunteers would be found.
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