Originally Posted by Flop
Originally Posted by curtadams
If your turns are anything like mine, there's a few things you really have to do and a lot that's just useful. Since we both tend to push the time limit anyway, we could turn off quick hosting so we could send in partial turns without risking a mess from early hosting.
That's a good idea. I'd really prefer that, unless anyone objects.
Done. I'll switch back if anybody objects.
Originally Posted by Flop
To be honest, I feel we should have made some other win condition, rather than total conquest. The game is starting to drag on a bit,
Originally Posted by Flop
although it does make for excellent end game experience (something which I sorely need  ).
I am certainly learning a lot about the endgame. I was so proud of my kitting out of Magog to be the ultimate SC-disposer and then the Dimensional Rod didn't do squat plus he knocked himself out and basically snoozed the entire battle.