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Old July 9th, 2012, 01:59 AM
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Default Re: The Joys of Overzealous Moderators

Originally Posted by PriestyMan View Post
Okay, but my question is why does Exec get a warning about that, but Calahan didnt get any warning to edit his signature? i'm sure if someone had asked him he would have changed it immediatly
Executor did not get a warning issued against him! His message post just got edited to remove that part and then there was a public explanation of why it was done and an appeal for everyone not to do that in the future. As in, a more a detailed clarification about how the policy is going to be interpreted in the future, but no ex post facto enforcement of said interpretation to past posts (aside from removing the sig quote).

I believe I also explained how things turned out because the moderators were absent. Had I not been absent, I would have asked Calahan to remove the sig, just like llamabeast would have done had he been around. I never had any problems with Calahan when I had to ask him to do something or refrain from doing something, so I agree with you that it would probably have solved the issue.

However, the administrators had to make the decision they did on the information they had, which was not the same information that would have been at my and llamabeast's disposal.
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