Re: Ulmish Drain magic spell
I'm a fairly noobish player here, so take this with a big grain of salt. I'm in a noobie MA game and Ulm (parone) is running away with it. In planning to fight him, I must say I'm a bit amazed at the range of "Ulm-only" spells that he's got in CBM. Which is funny because before this game I had never looked at CBM 1.92 and had always thought MA Ulm was kinda crappy.
But as I gear for war with Ulm I see that in CBM 1.92 he's got a BF, not-hard to cast spell that cripples demons (drain or whatever-its-called). Low-fatigue iron blizzard spamming. Nation-only buffs to MR and elemental resistance. The MR and encumbrance problems of his "chaff" troops don't seem to be there any more, but they still cost 11 gold and have protection in the 20s. My high protection (which is like 16 for me) troops cost 20g (and also have map move 1). He also has an easy-to-summon thug/SC chassis (iron angel) for 20 gems. He has effectively a 25% forge bonus on most items. And his own forge-of-the-ancients spell if that bonus strikes him as insufficient.
Not taking anything away from parone for playing well and our game isn't over at all. But I will say as a relatively new player, I am not a big fan of CBM creating balance by giving a nation a bunch of new spells. Why not just adjust their existing troops somehow? I know nation-only spells are in vanilla too. But the new nation-only spells just make it even harder to learn strategy, and I find it frustrating that I basically can't think of a realistic counter to his range of strengths.