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Old July 13th, 2012, 05:54 PM
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Default Re: Do you like score graphs in MP?

Not to stomp a useful thread, but since it was brought up...

In past discussions some good points were made about what a world like this would operate as under semi-DarkAges type settings. Some said at least part of the graphs were good, other parts were said to be too specific.

One argument I liked is that everyone would know something about who is in the lead. Not exact numbers but WHO had the biggest army, the most castles, the best magic, the highest dominion. Even if your nation did not have personal contact they would hear about such legendary nations off in the unexplored distance. But information about the least and smallest nation would require direct scouting. When meeting a new nation the only thing you would know for sure is that its not the legendary big-bad you have heard rumors about.

One hybrid that was discussed was that each turn, the server would take the scores file that the game outputs
and modify it into one that shows only WHO is in the lead in each category. And it would not give a number for how many forts or how much army. Just who is on top. Looking at the example I linked to you can easily see how that would affect strategy knowing who is the biggest worry, but not knowing who is the easy target. It would still allow dogpiling agreements

Such a hybrid score file would not be hard to do for any of the game servers. The Dom3 game has a "pre" and "post" file setting to call special instructions before and after each hosting. Usually used to do things like move the scores file to a web viewable directory. It can easily run a modification script and then move that instead on each turn. In-faile graphs would be turned off and the web file would give you the world-wide gossip.
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