Re: Newbie/Intermediate FF game: A Totally Civil Union [send pretenders]
Guys, I'm not sure If I'm the only one that got this message, I will have to double check to see what happened. But apparently I had an unexplained increase in wealth which might come from cheating>???
Edit: my treasury supply seems to be ok, no increase there.
Edit2: I also seem to have -12 nature gems wtf?
Edit3: Ok I see what the problem seems to be. I ordered one of my guys to forge the chalice last turn. Usually that artifact costs 40 nature gems and 25 astral gems. And I had that covered last turn. Although I guess due to the mod the cost of this artifact was changed to 40 nature gems and 25 more nature gems.(not sure if it was intentional).
I will check in the debug mod to play around with it. and see what happens.
edit: you are able to forge the chalice with fewer resources than what you have.(due to the change/bug in the gem cost).
Now I have to options: since I dont like to cheat. up my astral gems into nature gems so that I dont have a negative nature gems and I get the ammount of nature gems that I get per turn which is +6 (I would have been able to do that the last turn as well If I had noticed that).
2. discard the chalice and forge it again.(I feel that thats gonna be a bit unfair on me but its your call guys).
3. I roll-back the turn. Submit only my turn (since I'm not in a war with anyone I cannot abuse the roll-back and see ifno one gets a: player bbz has cheated message(hopefully).
Turns that have been submitted for the previous turn should be the same. Although the random generator might change the outcome of some of the battles that you guys had(if you had any) So its up to you guys to decide what to do.
P.s Options 1 and 2 rely on the chalice being the only reason for the cheating. So I feel that roll-back might be the best option.(if there is some other reason for the cheat message that I have missed) But option 3 might change the outcome of some of the battles. So let me know what you guys want to do Until then the game is suspended (I will extend the turn if there is a need to and the issue is not resolved by then.
Last edited by bbz; July 28th, 2012 at 09:14 PM..