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Old July 28th, 2012, 09:46 PM

bbz bbz is offline
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Default Re: Newbie/Intermediate FF game: A Totally Civil Union [send pretenders]

Originally Posted by Nightfall View Post
My suggestion would be to just alchemise the pearls, roll backs almost always cause problems.

On a side note, apparently the chalice is not unique in this mod, since there is already one sitting in my lab. Would have been nice to know that before I forged it, as it was purely a denial move.
Is it not unique???? Damn it I was doing that for the same reason.

Ok I will hear some more suggestions to see how people feel about it and then let you all know what my decision is.(P.s I know about the urban legend that roll-backs cause problems, but out of the 5 games I had 2 of them had a few roll-back and it worked out O.K without bugs) Still risking the whole game might not be a good idea.
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