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Old August 13th, 2012, 01:24 PM

CUnknown CUnknown is offline
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Default Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing

Yeah, just because of that berzerking minotaur commander, I now think that Pangaea's PD is actually pretty excellent. At least at low PD values, it's very good, compared to some others at low values.

You learn something new every day with this game. Or maybe this is just a special case.

I am actually disappointed with the Soulstone in general, I remember it from Dom2 where it was amazing!! I mean it's still good in this game, just not what it was.

I'm surprised with all that research you didn't beat me to some of these artifacts, Executor! I guess you were busy researching spells to give you total dominance on the battlefield... not a bad call heh..

With Neifelheim hurting now apparently, C'tis, you might be our last hope unless Lanka decides to pull his weight in this game! I know I probably made some diplomatic blunders to piss you off, Lanka, but Pangaea is in a solidly dominant position in this game. I think we're going to have to 4 v 1 him.. and even then he'll probably win..
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