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Old August 18th, 2012, 05:50 PM
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Samhain Samhain is offline
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Default Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic - Running

Thanks for you patience everyone. I should get my turn in tonight.

I really like the idea of trying this format in EA. It is hard to commit at the moment as its all I can do right now to keep up with the two games I am in. But, I would be very interested in playing Fomoria. It would be a great chance to try a new way to play them. And, without Fog Warriors or Dance of the Morrigans, it would be interesting. They may still need a bit more nerfing though as other nations may be affected much more. I don't know the game well enough to make those kind of judgements.

I agree with both the Wendigo and Zmey changes. Zmey's are just too overpowered for their cost in my opinion. And, the game doesn't need another high level DW mage. But, the Wendigo does make a colorful addition to the thug pantheon.
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