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Old August 19th, 2012, 06:01 AM

Valerius Valerius is offline
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Default Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic - Running

Originally Posted by Samhain View Post
Thanks for you patience everyone. I should get my turn in tonight.
No problem at all - you and ghoul are so quick getting your turns in I was a little concerned you'd get frustrated at the leisurely pace. In any case, you're certainly entitled to a postponement when needed (and you still got your turn in before shard and I, who win the slacker prizes for this game ).

Originally Posted by Samhain View Post
I really like the idea of trying this format in EA. It is hard to commit at the moment as its all I can do right now to keep up with the two games I am in. But, I would be very interested in playing Fomoria. It would be a great chance to try a new way to play them. And, without Fog Warriors or Dance of the Morrigans, it would be interesting. They may still need a bit more nerfing though as other nations may be affected much more. I don't know the game well enough to make those kind of judgements.
Glad to hear you're interested! With regard to Fomoria, as you noted Dance of the Morrigans will be out since it is too high a level but other than that the nation seems fine to me and I don't plan on any nation-specific nerfs for them.

In terms of balance decisions, I am of course using my best judgement as to game balance but there's no question that some of it is based on my personal likes/dislikes. For instance, I am of the opinion that generally speaking blood magic is underpriced and that's behind a lot of my changes in this area. That may be a minority viewpoint but I'm not he only one who feels that way. But my dislike of immortal units, especially blood based ones, is particular to me (as far as I know anyway) and removing vampires altogether isn't a choice many people would likely have made.

Aside from blood nerfs, the kind of thing that would catch my attention is something like Hinnom's Acha being able to heal. In a game where there's no GoH or chalice I have no intention of giving Hinnom risk-free mind hunts. Arco can have them - but Hinnom, no.

As regards timing, the next game will also have a relaxed pace and I view when we start in the same light. I'm glad we'll have several players from this game returning and if holding off on the start time until we get a bit further in this one helps in getting everyone on board I'm inclined to do that. And of course that will also give us better feedback for the next game.

I'll add a tentative roster for the next game to the bottom of the first post in the thread.
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