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Old August 25th, 2012, 10:53 AM
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Default Re: The Dreamlands in MP Blood Sacrifices

Originally Posted by Anaconda View Post
In one turn, C'tis seized 3 provinces from Caelum now stretching South as far as to Caelum's capital. Amazing job. Of course it was result of surprise attack, but nonetheless now that Caelum is fighting war in East and in... well around his own capital, their future looks dim. Made me think I should seize the day and give C'tis little reminder what R'lyeh is trule made of. Therefore...

Henry Wentworth Akeley is making landing to the same province where we expect C'tis field army next turn, South of Sea of Woe (East in the map). Another landing goes north from Henry Akeley's main forces, hoping Man dont show up from North. If they do, our forces cant really fight for long. We know we should launch assault against C'tis' mainlands this turn but we want to see how the war between Caelum and C'tis goes – and what happens around Sea of Woe. Caelum does not appear completelly defenceles, they seem to have all the parrots they need.
Funny how 2 people can have an opposite view of the same situation!

I launched the surprise attacks against Caelum, and the land invasion who fell very short, only because I gambled that R'lyeh would see this and would take opportunity to grab some Caelian provinces, take opportunity that the raptors had enough on their plate already. We would have shared his lands.

Instead you saw an opportunity to attack not the one unbalanced and injured but the one who felt secure enough to launch a war even with illithids cruising along his shores.
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