Thread: Info Steam Greenlight
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Old August 30th, 2012, 05:13 PM

Drok'Slit Drok'Slit is offline
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Computer Steam Greenlight

Hello. I've played Dominions 3 on and off since it has come out and have always suggested it to friends to buy. Lots of them were interested but the fact they had to order it online and also the price tag on it really turned them off to the game.

Now just recently Steam released this feature where game developers can submit their game on this and have it liked or disliked by people with steam accounts whether they support it being on steam or not. I always loved this game and wished more people bought it so I could play multiplayer with other people more easily.

I simply want more people to know about this great game and think this is an opportunity to make this game more well known and help it live on and maybe even expand the modding community. I hope shrapnel will see this and take it into consideration. I want to help in any way I can to spread the word of this amazing game.

Here's a link to what exactly Steam Greenlight is:
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