Thread: Info Steam Greenlight
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Old August 31st, 2012, 10:02 AM
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Default Re: Steam Greenlight

@Drok'Slit consider it passed on. And yes they do appreciate efforts like this from the community.

@Elmokki Isnt that what this effort is about? To convince Steam. There are great games on Steam. And there are cheap games on Steam. There are even some great cheap games on Steam. And altho some people may think that defines Steam it does not seem true. There are games on there which are more expensive than Dom3, and there are games on there which are crappier than Coe3.

So maybe just telling Steam that they should look past their initial impressions of those games, and there there is a dedicated following, might be enough to get ours listed there also.

Altho personally Im more interested in whether they are listed on Amazon.
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