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Old August 31st, 2012, 02:38 PM
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Amhazair Amhazair is offline
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Default Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)

Looks like I let the turn host. Should have submited my (partially completed) turn, that way I would have know if I could have taken Midgards main castle I finally decided to storm last turn. (And at what cost.)

Executor, I simply do not agree with you at all about the power of dogpiles in general. I do agree that they're often hard to pull off for the reasons you stated, especially people holding to their grudges ahead of their own self-intrest. [and I also felt pretty confident no massive dogpile was developping in this game, though it's hard to know for sure what others are talking about of course] But when a dogpile does come together, with its members actually coordonating their efforts and commited to the objective it's a truly awesome thing to behold. And that's the reason I rejected earlier claims that I had the game in the bag, not because I wasn't confident I couldn't stand against, say, any 2 nations, but that if all/most other players put aside their diferences and combined forces against the obvious, runaway leader I couldn't have stood up against all of you.

I'm glad I managed to pull off the trick of convincing you I could react to everything with "unparalelled mobility" but actually a big part of that unceratainty actually was actually lack off mobility. I had just enough mobile assets to quite quickly take the fight to anything you, Pythium and Ermor did against me, but another front, or even just more agressive play from Pythium would have meant I would have been forced to leave attacks unanswered. Or, as Calahan put it in a message to me:

Originally Posted by Calahan
Although I do have to laugh at his "striking nearly any of us at any place with great mobility" comment. Guess that's a sure sign he never seen your turn file then, as there was me constantly cursing your lack of mobility during every minute I subbed for you. I think your true achievement this game might have been to seemingly convince everyone you were uber powerful without actually fielding much in the uber powerful department.
Edit: All of the above with the caveat that just as it's possible for you to overestimate my capabilities (as I'm sure you have) I might have done the same with others of course.
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