Originally Posted by Amhazair
Edit: All of the above with the caveat that just as it's possible for you to overestimate my capabilities (as I'm sure you have) I might have done the same with others of course.
Very true this last part. Actually, I'm quite certain you did overestimate the rest of us. I was the, what; third, forth nation by power? I had absolutely nothing going on the entire game. A complete fail on my part. I imagine the rest had even less. You on the other hand, had a quite substantial amount of gems (something I'm astounded by since I site searched 5-6 paths in my lands and came out almost empty handed (all my D income for example was capital only)), which is how I measure power.
I've fought in many dogpilles, like I said, and know that losing ground, and even losing ground fast doesn't necessarily mean anything.
Even if we had managed to pull our **** together and outmaneuver you, reducing your empire size, you could have easily compensated for it with a massive AN, GoNB, or something else he had no chance of dispelling or overcasting.
Take a look at my position in MoL. I seem to be slowly losing ground but I'm also getting much more stronger. In fact, C'tis seems almost on level with me now that he's done with you though it's likely I'm as powerful as the four remaining nations together.
As for the mobility part. I find it quite laughable too, Calahan. Surely you must be joking?
If you think Atlantis had problems with mobility you should put yourself in some other nations perspective. I, for one, could attack one to two provinces a turn (not counting water provinces where you're clearly at a huge advantage, and obviously not counting provinces I lost within my lands due to raiding or whatever). Clearly, that's a serious problem since you don't have to guess much where the next attack is likely to be. (keep in mind that the raiding capabilities of the rest of us were almost non existing as well to pose any real threat on your inner provinces)
I'm sure other weren't in a better position either.
Atlantis on the other hand had the seas, all interconnected.
Even with mm1 in the water I can see Atlantis easily transporting troops trough them to find big juicy chinks of unprotected land. (I actually find it quite retarded that you have to activate "8" on your keyboard to see what's connected btw.)
Let's not mention that sea actually give you a better coverage against any counter measures we might come up with as well.
And one last thing; attacking from sea is such a marvelous advantage since you always have at least a few to up to several provinces you can attack.
You can come out and tell me what you find so silly in my opinion of this game and situation Calahan.
As for really reacting to something with great mobility, I think you misunderstood. You had nothing to react too. I think Pyth and I proved that, and we were the
Wow, that'a big post...
EDIT: The real problem with dogpiles is that they're usually, if ever, formed too late to matter in the end game decisive wars.