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Old September 4th, 2012, 11:07 AM

shonuf shonuf is offline
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Default Re: SC Gear for Sauromatia commanders in MP

It totally depends on what you are facing. But more MR on your SC's. They are undead/demons and will probably face unpleasant MR-dependent stuff (banishment, undead mastery, etc).

Tarts/demon lords are morale 30, so dragon helmet is not good. Horror helmet synergizes well with the fear they already have though. But against undead/mindless summons, fear is useless. So it depends what you face. But since tarts are 0 enc, lead shield goes really well with them. And AM amulet is also something you almost always want to use. Also consider having your tarts wielding shadow brand - large AOE and they are immune to the effects afaik.

For your combat mages - esp. death and astral, magic pen becomes much more important. So spell focus and eye of the void instead of regen ring and pendant of luck.

Also, I think you are kitting the mages out too much - focus on getting alot of them rather than a few badass ones. No matter how much eq you give them, they will still die as soon as a real unit breathes on them.
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