Well, there's 4 people who're ready to call it quits (You, C'tis, Abysia and Midgard) and 3 who want to play on, (Ermor, Gath and Utgard) which constitutes a sizable minority. (Of which Ermor is currently trying to fight hard, and Gath has a plan to try to dom-kill everyone. Not that I feel too threatened for now.)
Also, I'd say it's bad form to end a (non-VP) game while not everyone is convinced it's over. (Except in the case of peripheral nations who did nothing all game. If those wanted to have a say they should have done something before.)
So, while I have trouble getting myself back into gear too I'd appreciate a final effort till even the doubters are convinced. (Don't like it? Kill of the people voting to play on.

) Also, I'm having a very busy week myself, so added 48h again. Sorry about that.