Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic - Send pretenders
OK.. I ended up rolling TC.. which is clearly going to end in disaster.. but there it is... I'm in now in any case..
Re: Helheim, I just think that with the disappearance of their lategame strengths, compounded with the blood and Van nerfs, there's not much reason to play them when TNN is in the game... they become pretty inferior in most ways..
Honestly, I can't think of a game setup that would be more in favor of TNN.. all of their strengths are kept completely intact (and many are accentuated by the easy research) while all their endgame deficiencies are washed away. Nerfing the midgame blood just makes it even more pronounced.
I explored Nief, but I have never played them and I couldn't make a build that emphasized the things I think are likely to be important and still have any sort of economy. In my tests, I just couldn't ever solve the money problems. Prob a me problem, but that I couldn't solve it..